Why Should I Start a Blog?

Everyday, about 172,800 blogs are created. That means two blogs in every seconds. So many blogs are created everyday, so you might be wondering that,"Should I start a blog too?"

Well, I think yes! you should start your blog too.

For more: How to start a blog step-by-step guide.

Everyone having different hobbies and interests. 

In my short life, I've taken up and dropped a lot of hobbies and interests.

I've performed in many dance functions. I've devoted years to play cricket in my graduation. I've learned singing too. I've done web designing, photography, playing guitar. and also worked in Insurance company as an advisor.

But none of them has molded my person, given me as much freedom to express my self, so one fine day I read one article about blogging and start blogging.

And now,

I' m such a big fan of blogging and social media marketing. I'm using my all different hobbies and interests into blogging.

So here are some compelling reasons to start your blog today.

1. It helps you to learn new things.

Blogging is about sharing new ideas, creativity, new updates to the world, so to find that ideas and updates you will always finding it everywhere. You'll find yourself always learning new things about your area of interests so you can keep sharing without running dry of ideas.

2. It helps you to write better

I love reading books, and always thinking of writing my own too. But none of the book inspired me other than blogging.

Here's why I told you because start writing with constant practice and blogging is just about that. You will always try to write better post in your blog so everyone can like your post, so that is why you'll find some creative way by practicing it in blogging.

3. It can make you money

Yes, blogging can make you money too. Many of the professional blogger make millions of money from blogging only.

And me? I'm not a millionaire. I am one of you who have started blogging a year ago. It helps me to make myself rich.

4. It is Free (or affordable) 

Anyone can start a blog for free like I did. There is no limit of blogs. Here is the list of best bloggin sites available on the internet. 

If you can afford some money then you will have freedom of your blog too. It will cost you less than $75 dollars. But first you need to start for free, whenever you are ready and become professional and can afford some money than go and buy it.

5. It helps you to build an audience

People are attract towards thing and places they like and love to spend some time. When you start a blog keep in mind that how your blog can be usefull for people and how to attract more audience towards your blog.

I love to share new ideas and creativity to the people that is why I've started a blog in 2013, and now I build an audience over 20,000 monthly readers in my blog.

6. It helps you to help other people

Just like me, I've started this blog to share some good ideas and creativity to the people. I shared this post for those who want to start their own blog but confuse.

It will let you share some good knowledge to help people and you can build more audience.

7. It helps you get published

If you’re still waiting for a publisher to come pick you – who have no readers yet – you might wait till… forever. The way out? Pick yourself. The easiest way to get published today is to first get a blog and build a loyal readership.

Theresa Ragan was rejected by traditional publishers over 100 times spanning 19 years. Then she got smart and self-published, and within a year, she sold over 300,000 books!

She’s not alone. From Hugh Howey to James Altucher, today’s smartest authors are razing the entry barrier set by traditional publishers and self-publishing their ways to bestsellers, thanks to their blog audience.

8. It can promote your art or hobby

We all have some hobby or art. Whether yours is writing, photography, drawing, singing, dancing a blog can help you promote your art or hobby to the world.

Enter Hugh MacLeod who draws on the backs of business cards, and everyday on his blog, he posts one drawing. Thanks to that, he’s inspired hundreds of thousands of artists and helped them live their dreams without going hungry.

This inspiring piece by Leanne Regalla provides an in-depth examination of how 49 creative people use blogging to promote their art.

9. It helps you stay in touch with distant friends and family

One of the most important concerns everyone should have in life are his family and friends. My Family members who love and care. And my true friends who always ready to help and support my dreams.

But sometimes, dear people aren’t near. When the adventures and challenges of life come calling, we get too far, too busy or too distracted and forget these important people in our lives.

Having a blog where you document your life adventures, ideas and struggles (and maybe even receive comments) is a great way to stay connected with family and friends who might be thousands of kilometers away.

10.  It advances your resume

I don't know about others but a blog can surely make your resume stand out from the pack. Many of the readers share your content and make you popular.

11. It boosts your offline business

According to a 2010 study by the Kelsey Group, 97% of all consumers use online media to shop locally. Also, another online study conducted by Intelius shows that 78% of consumers consider it important to look up information about businesses online before deciding to interact with them.

The conclusion is this: blogs help to influence customers’ buying decisions and if your business doesn’t take advantage of this, your competition will.

12.  It will boosts your creativity

Blogging pushes you to be resourceful, to envision and try to create the beautiful things you want to see in the world. You imagine better, create ideas that challenge norms and share your genius with others.

That’s how to become an idea machine. And you can go ahead to give the world something essential it doesn’t know it lacks.

13. It makes you happy

Personally, I’ve found that the feeling of having inspired, helped or saved someone is what gives me the greatest joy. I’ve heard many other people say the same thing.

And since I’ve started blogging, it has helped me become more generous with my knowledge. There’s an amazing bliss I feel with every positive comment, email, tweet and Facebook share I get from readers whose worlds my words have impacted.

It’s a great feeling and money cannot buy it.

14.  It gives you freedom

Blogging can give you the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time of the day and on things you actually enjoy doing. It can give you the freedom to finally have ample time for your family and your hobbies.

15.  It helps you acquire valuable new skills

When I started blogging, I didn’t know a thing about domain names, hosting servers, social media marketing, link building, SEO, blog design, etc. But now I do.

With your blog, you instinctively start learning about these stuff and more. Within a short time, you’ll have amassed a ton of valuable new skills that you’ll be proud of. These skills alone can make you thousands of dollars. I know it because that has been the case for me.

16. It builds your network

Most important: Blogging helps you connect with and make friends with people from all walks of life. Thanks to blogging, I’ve come to make friends with people I admire. 

Again, I’ve met and made friends with many ordinary people making extraordinary impacts. Many of them have helped me grow and maybe one or two of them have got some benefits from me. And I’ve gone ahead to meet many awesome folks who take me as mentors. That feels great.

17. It helps you live forever

You’ve heard it before hat writing can make you live for many centuries after your death. But that’s true only if you publish your words to the world. You won’t live for long after your death if you don’t write at all, or, if you only write and file it.

A blog can help you build a legacy that would outlive you.

18. It allows you to document your life

Many of us have some nice stories or love to tell some stories. With a blog, you can tell your stories in form of an online diary. And if you don’t tell your stories, no one else will. And if they do, they might be biased. Or innocently wrong.

19.It helps you make better choices

Many things happen in your life, relationships and environment every day. You read, see, feel and hear many things every day. You won’t be able to blog about them all. That means you’ll develop an eye for meaningful things.

By selectively blogging on only the most important things to you and your blog readers, you’ll improve your filter, and become more skilled at making better choices in your life.

20.  It can land you speaking engagements

Your blog opens you up to a world of opportunities, including speaking engagements. The feeling is amazing. I know this because it’s happened to me. I’ve been invited to speak at event , thanks to thoughts I’ve shared on my blog.

James Altucher in his amazing book, Choose Yourself, discusses how he landed well over 100 speaking engagements in 9 years thanks to his blog and books. He made over $1 million from the speaking engagements and impacted hundreds of thousands of lives.

Go start something awesome

If one or more of these reasons resonate with you, it’s time to start your own blog.

I leave you with the words of Oprah Winfrey:

"Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment. Own it."

Go start your own blog now.


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