How to use Smartphone as a Game controller for Online Games

Everybody loves to play games. There are many online gaming platform available and we loved it. 

Today morning I read something fantastic in Inshorts (It's a best mobile news app ever I used), there is a news that a new browser-based gaming platform was released on Tuesday by the name AirConsole, which uses the desktop browser as the screen and a smartphone as the controller. This is fantastic, isn't it!

Follows the following steps to play online game using your smartphone as a game controller:

Step-1: To play online game you have to go to official AirConsole website on your computer, Click here for the link:

Step-2: open the same link in your smartphone browser too as given in the following image:

AirConsole-Connect PC-entertomedia

Step-3: Connect your smartphone using generated numeric code in your computer browser as displayed in the above picture for syncing the smartphone.

Step-4: Select game using your smartphone as a controller as displayed below.

Step-5: Wait for the other players to connect or start playing it as single player.


Step-6: Enjoy your online game using your smartphone as a Game controller.

There are many available games. "Tic Tac Boom" is my favorite game as displayed in the above pictures, which one is your? Comment your online favorite games.

I hope you like the post, I will continue posting new ideas and news just stay together. Like, Share, Comment the post if you love games.


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